Saturday, April 25, 2009

French Descriptions avalaible in the market !

I made a french version of my game "Word Prospector".
It's another entry in the Android Market, and it's called "Chasseurs de mots".

And I think it's one of the first French independant game, and the first French Word Game !

As it is a French game, it made sense to put a french description. 
But some people couldn't understand this description and gave me a bad rating just because of this !

But since yesterday, the Android Market has added 6 new languages, and French is one of them.

So I could put a french description, in French, and a english description that says it is a French game ( and that there is a english version ! ) !

Android Market with French language

Thanks Google !

Ps : I would like to thanks, even if I really doubt they will ever read this, the users that gave me some good ratings just to counter the ones that gave me bad rating for a poor reason !

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