Sunday, November 14, 2010

The server could not process your apk. Try again...

Today, I wanted to submit a new version of my word game 'Word Prospector'.

Everything was okay, until I uploaded the ask on the market !
There I had this nice message :
"The server could not process your apk. Try again"

As I'm a kind of well educated one, and despite what my rational-software-engineer mind told me, I follow the note, and try again...
I tried 3 times, and always get the same message !

Unfortunately, this message is quite cryptic, and is not that helpful !
Google was not my friend here...
Luckily, Google, the search engine, did a better job than Google, the market creator, and I find here the solution :

The manifest should not have an empty 'uses-configuration' tag !

So I just get rid of the "<uses-configuration>" I had in my manifest file, and everything was fine again !

Thanks for the people finding the solution in the first time !!!


Anonymous said...

life-saver post! thanks a lot :)

rgw said...

In my case, finally it turned out that it was simply an empty line in the manifest that leaded to the strange "could not process" message.

mkamoski said...

Dear Anyone -- Please help. This has been happening to me for 3 days now. The same APK was successfully loading into the Amazon App Store. This is a bug in the Market it seems. Is there a way to fix it? Yes I have no empty sections in the AndroidManifest and yes I have checked the order of nodes in that XML and followed the suggested order noted in other threads on this issue. The problem still persists. Is there ANY way to fix this or at least get a better error message from the Market? Thanks. -- Mark Kamoski

Anonymous said...

In my case, there was a reference in the Manifest to an Activity that was removed from project.

Anonymous said...

In my case I solved the problem by including the resource folder drawable-hdpi and ic_launcher within it. I think the Google Play android process ignores this icon in other drawable folders that do not use the DPI tags, like drawable-large etc.

Unknown said...

in my case the drawable file for the icon was from android standard icons and I was referencing the icon by @android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert. the parser failed to find the ic_dialog_alert file in the res/drawable directory and raised an error.